DDR 特性化測試與分析


    Introspect DRAM測試系統是一款開創性的解決方案,用於根據JEDEC所定義的DDR5 / LPDDR5 / GDDR7對記憶體積體電路進行特性分析和功能測試。這個解決方案具有高速、雙向PAM3訊號、低速 NRZ 訊號和完整的協定training功能,是幫助客戶將下一代DRAM引入業界的最佳工具。透過這個平台,你可以與任何的DRAM產品進行溝通,搭配測試時的Vector file來進行Bit Error、Shmoo、Fail bit map、Jitter inject、Skew調整等多樣性的測試,


  • Fastest time to market: perform deep memory read/write operations and characterize electrical and timing specifications
  • Most capable PAM3 signaling: leveraging years of expertise in SerDes technology, the PAM3 pin-electronics exceed the requirements of the DRAM specifications
  • Automated: scripting capability ideal for debug tasks, verification, and full‐fledged production screening of devices and system boards

Access to Every Pin and Every Memory Cell